Sometimes we even wish we could forget the first time so that we can go and experience it all over again. So here are 10 Firsts that we all remember or maybe even yet to have and will remember in the future…
1. First rain
That smell of wet mud and sipping your coffee while raindrops drops spray your face.
2. A Baby smiling
The first time you see a baby smiling or even giggling uncontrollably. There is nothing comparable to that gleam of innocence in their eyes.
3. First salary
The pride on your parents’ face when you hand it over. Or simply knowing that it is all yours.
4. First beer
It tastes like crap of course. But, well, you had to do it at some point of time.And, It does get better though!
5. Getting your License
Getting your driver’s license feels like a whole new world has opened up to you. Stop me if you can.
6. First kiss
No words can explain this I think!
7. First flight
I’m really flying. Is that really how my place looks from up here? OMG what’s happening to me?
8. First vote
You don’t feel like an adult till you’ve voted. You wear the black mark on your nail with pride. Remember the pictures you posted on FB and Instagram with these black marks?
9. First time travelling alone
Be it a camping trip, a visit to your grandma living across the country or simply the first time you cross the road alone, the thrill is always there. You are totally nostalgic about it and we know that.
10. First cellphone
You don’t care what kind of a centuries old model you get. Simply holding that thing in your hand and knowing it is yours is more than enough.
11. First date
Nothing more magical than this. What to wear? What to say? Where to go? 100 questions shooting in your brain.But it’s all worth it later.
12. First camera
Always wanted to watch theworld through another lens? Here’s your wish granted!
13. First car
Article Courtesy College Humor
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