We all know the feeling, right?
1. Step 1 : The first thing you check if he or she is cuter than you.

Are they model material? Better looking than you? Or some rip off that reeks of fake Chanel but still not the same!
2. Step 2: You Stalk Them On Facebook!

Where is this new person from, which college and list goes on…..God forbid if you come across any couple pictures of them already. Its *report abuse* straightaway!
3. Step 3: Depression, Major Depression

Why? Because they moved on first and you are still sitting in your pyjamas eating Nutella and watching big boss (oh wait even that ended, don’t worry game of thrones is coming)
4. Step 4 : Complete Avoidance

You hop/skip/jump every time you see them in a public place. Yes this is why they taught athletics at school, so dodge every single glimpse of the happy couple.
5. Step 5: You Ask Their Friends About How Serious Their Relationship Is?

Like hello? What if they send you a wedding invitation tomorrow , you have to be prepared!
6. Step 6: You Keep Refreshing Your Whatsapp

Or FB or Instagram, just to see what status or profile picture they put….
7. Step 7: Getting A Makeover To Make Him / Her Jealous

Time for some self pamering and heading to the salon/spa. Just because you are going to a party where you may run into the happy couple. How can you not put the new Gf/Bf down and look like a million so he knows what he’s missed. And then if you’re broke before the month end- there is always daddy dearest to go to!
8. Step 8: You Start Becoming More Social And Chatting To The Other Sex More.

It’s your time to find your special someone (to show off like duhh!)
9. Step 9: “Lets Be Friends!”

This is one common dialogue every EX will come up with. Chutiyapa is saying ‘Hey! Now it’s just that we have move on, let’s just be friends!’

So the world knows you aren’t the asshole who jumps girls/guys, you are a mature adult who takes their own time to move on and not rush. Obviously.
1. Step 1 : The first thing you check if he or she is cuter than you.
Are they model material? Better looking than you? Or some rip off that reeks of fake Chanel but still not the same!
2. Step 2: You Stalk Them On Facebook!
Where is this new person from, which college and list goes on…..God forbid if you come across any couple pictures of them already. Its *report abuse* straightaway!
3. Step 3: Depression, Major Depression
Why? Because they moved on first and you are still sitting in your pyjamas eating Nutella and watching big boss (oh wait even that ended, don’t worry game of thrones is coming)
4. Step 4 : Complete Avoidance
You hop/skip/jump every time you see them in a public place. Yes this is why they taught athletics at school, so dodge every single glimpse of the happy couple.
5. Step 5: You Ask Their Friends About How Serious Their Relationship Is?
Like hello? What if they send you a wedding invitation tomorrow , you have to be prepared!
6. Step 6: You Keep Refreshing Your Whatsapp
Or FB or Instagram, just to see what status or profile picture they put….
7. Step 7: Getting A Makeover To Make Him / Her Jealous
Time for some self pamering and heading to the salon/spa. Just because you are going to a party where you may run into the happy couple. How can you not put the new Gf/Bf down and look like a million so he knows what he’s missed. And then if you’re broke before the month end- there is always daddy dearest to go to!
8. Step 8: You Start Becoming More Social And Chatting To The Other Sex More.
It’s your time to find your special someone (to show off like duhh!)
9. Step 9: “Lets Be Friends!”
This is one common dialogue every EX will come up with. Chutiyapa is saying ‘Hey! Now it’s just that we have move on, let’s just be friends!’
So the world knows you aren’t the asshole who jumps girls/guys, you are a mature adult who takes their own time to move on and not rush. Obviously.
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